Equally suitable for a front or rear entrance, Stellar’s residential doors are a refreshing alternative to timber, PVC-U or composite door designs.
Stellar doors can be fully or partially glazed or incorporate a full height aluminium panel. There’s even a purpose designed midrail which is just right if you want to include a letterbox.
These are doors engineered for strength and security. They’re fitted with multipoint locking systems and can accommodate the most advanced lock cylinders. Every hardware component has been tested through cycle after cycle and every single element contributes to a secure, robust and very stylish whole.
Fully compliant with PAS24, they’ll also make sure your home is protected from the elements. Effective seals keep the wind and rain outside. Our advanced thermal break technology and high specification sealed units keep the warmth indoors, and of course, if you’re choosing a glazed door, we’ll ensure safety glass is part of the package.